About TigerJython

TigerJython is now maintained by the non-profit association TJ-Group, with a slightly broader focus than what is explained here.

The TigerJython project actually comprises three parts: the IDE (Integrated Development Environment), an extensive collection of libraries and an online tutorial to get you started right away. This website is primarily about the IDE. The project's main site can be found under:

TigerJython: The Tutorial

The IDE / Editor

The TigerJython IDE grew out of the desire to have a development environment suited for classroom use and aimed at beginners in programming. It should be simple enough so that you can just start coding and run your programs without the need to install additional libraries, configure the system or set up a project. We want to teach «programming» and enable our students to work on their learning and understanding, without the need to constantly solve technical issues.

From the beginning on, the TigerJython IDE has been in use in classrooms and workshops. This allows us to get direct feedback and make improvements and corrections along the way and see how various ideas work out in practice. TigerJython is now used in many countries, including Switzerland, Germany, France, USA and New Zealand. If you use TigerJython for your own teaching, we always welcome a short feedback.

The Authors / Contact

TigerJython is a collaboration of a team of three authors: Tobias Kohn, Dr. Aegidius Plüss and Jarka Arnold. You can reach us either by leaving a message on our forum or by writing to help@tigerjython.com (general) or jython@tobiaskohn.ch (for issues related to the IDE).