For the ninth time, Prof. Juraj Hromkovic, and his team at ETH/ABZ have organised the Swiss Day of Computer Science Education (STIU – “Schweizerischer Tag für Informatik Unterricht”), which took place at ETH in Zurich.

Each year, the STIU workshop offers several workshops on various topics of Computer Science Education in K-12, attracting many teachers and educators from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein. Starting in 2010, the STIU workshop has invited distinguished keynote speakers from around the world, such as Niklaus Wirth, Donald E. Knuth, Ron Rivest, Tim Bell, Jens Gallenbacher, and Christos Papadimitriou. Tim Bell (CS unplugged), and Jens Gallenbacher (“Abenteuer Informatik”) have also been regular guests, conducting workshops, and providing new insights, ideas, and inspiration.

In recent years, I was happy to conduct several workshops on Python programming, usually in collaboration with Dr. Dennis Komm (ETH Zurich and PH Chur). In 2017, we hold a workshop on “Efficient Algorithms in Python”, and in 2018 on “Randomness in Computer Science” (the close collaboration between Dennis Komm and me has also led to various publications). Due to the great atmosphere, participants, and opportunities for an exchange of new ideas, the STIU workshop has certainly become an annual highlight.

Picture courtesy of Jan Lichtensteiger and David Wehner